Surrey Electronics Surrey Electronics Ltd.
Surrey Electronics Limited

22 Downside Road

Tel: 01483 205 400

The Forge, Lucks Green, Mead Road, Cranleigh, Surrey, GU6 7BG, England
 Our home 1973-2002 - the flood prone Forge in Cranleigh

Specialised broadcast equipment research, design and manufacture since 1967


Current items from stock show in yellow followed by the leaflet PDF.
(Bracketed italic prices list any demonstration units available.)

Repair and servicing is available for all products.

Scanned archive documents including specifications, owners manuals, service manuals, schematics and pc board layouts are below. Other archive specifications and service manuals (with description, board layouts and circuits) can be unearthed, scanned and emailed, or photocopied and posted @ £18.

- Stereo Disc Amplifier 1, 24 &   5.  The very best possible noise and distortion performance from vinyl. Disc 5
- 10 Outlet Distribution Amplifier 1, 2, 3 & 4. £604 10DA4 (Mk4 £490; Mk1 refitted with Mk4 electronics £250/390)
- Stereo Microphone Amplifiers Stereo Microphone Amplifier
- Frequency Shifter for Howl Reduction Box
- Stabilizer Box, Rack, Rack Stereo, 2, 3, 4 & 5. Box unbalanced £380; Box Balanced XLR £480; Rack £680, Rack Stereo £860 Stabilizer (Rack £365)
- 5Hz Fixed Shift Circuit Board 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5.  Howl reduction and cutting feedback in public address. £284 Stabilizer
- Spectrum Shifter Spectrum Shifter
- Stereo Variable Emphasis Limiter 2 & 3. £1550 SVEL3
- Broadcast Monitor Receiver 1 - modified Yaesu FRG-7700 Receiver 1
- Broadcast Monitor Receiver 2 - modified Yaesu FRG-8800.  Exceptionally low distortion in a quality monitoring AM receiver. £1529 Receiver 2 (£877)
- FRG8800 Rack Mounting Assembly £126
- PPM0
- PPM2 (BBC ME12/9)
- PPM3 PPM3,7,8
- PPM5 20pin DIL hybrid.   9-35V supply at just 7mA and the most accurate and stable PPM driver ever. £49 PPM5
- Mother Boards 1 (unbalanced), 2 (balanced) & 3 (balanced plus flasher) for PPM5. MB1 £13; MB2 £21; MB3 £34 PPM5 App
- PPM6
- PPM7 (BBC ME12/9) PPM3,7,8
- PPM8 IEC Type I & DIN -50/+6dB, PPM8N Nordic -36/+9dB. £151 PPM3,7,8
- PPM9 microprocessor stereo (BBC AM20/5). PPM9
- PPM10 In-Vision PPM RGB or Genlock.  The best simulation on screen of mechanical PPM pointer dynamics PPM10
- Sum and Difference Circuit Boards for PPMs. £48
- Power Supply Boards
- Ernest Turner PPM Movements 640, 642, 643 and TWIN. (Some Ernest Turner spare parts available)
- Sifam PPM Movements 22, 32, 74A DUAL TWIN White/Yellow or 74B DUAL TWIN Red/Green.
- Stereo TWIN Meter Box.  Includes the precision PPM9 microprocessor stereo drive board (BBC AM20/5). £788 PPM9
- Peak Deviation Meter
- Peak Programme And Deviation Chart Recorders
- Advanced Active Aerial. £889 Aerial
- FM Broadcast Stereo Coder by Trevor Brook, Wireless World, April (Choice of method & oscillator stability), June (Setting up) and October (three decoders assessed, a reference decoder circuit, filters and a VHF oscillator) 1977: Original articles.
- Broadcast Stereo Coders MPX1, 2, 3 & 4 MPX4
- AM Synchronous Detector; the original September 1989 Electronics & Wireless World article by Trevor Brook, corrected: PDF.
- AM Synchronous Demodulator full construction details, circuit diagram, printed circuit board layout and front panel: PDF.
- AM Synchronous Detector: Printed circuit board 135x115mm artwork positive, Printed circuit board drilling diagram
- Dominus Stereo Disc Amplifier 3
- Dominus Moving Coil Preamplifier

- Technical report, 28 February 2014, analysis with photographs: TOYOTA AVENSIS ELECTRONIC PARKING BRAKE SYSTEM (EPB) FAILURES.

A few broadcasting stories are at Radio Oddities.

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